Jenny Huang is...

A Product Designer • Mentor •
Cooking Instructor • Art Lover

🎨 Connected TVs • Web • Mobile
🖥️ Currently @ Philo; Past: VIZIO
☁️ Former Engineer @ Salesforce
🎯 Mentor on ADPList

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At my heart, I'm a big-picture visionary who loves designing apps that people love to use. My background gives me unique insight on the business value of delivering products that users need, as well as how to balance the perspectives of product, engineer, and design.

“The best MMA fighters in the world have learned various disciplines of self-defense like karate, krav maga, and taekwondo to give them any advantage possible in a brawl. Jenny Huang is our Experience Cloud's MMA fighter. We owe her a huge debt of gratitude not only for assisting in every category of the demo's development but also for going above and beyond the expectations we set out for her. She is an incredible asset to our team and I believe she is truly an all-star for this quarter. Thank you Jenny!”

Zach Hawtof · Product Manager, Salesforce
My German Shepherd mix, Django. Two books which I recently love: The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb and Misbehaving by Richard Thaler.

From engineering to design

For me, programming was never an end in itself, but rather a means to an end. It was a means to learn how to build from the ground up. To understand memory allocation, I needed to understand chips and machine languages. To understand design feasibility, I needed to understand front-end frameworks and software architectures. My goal has never been to put myself in a box; it's to bring ideas to life. That's why I started my career in software. I built APIs, web components, and worked with design systems. At my 6th year at Salesforce, I asked myself how I can continue to drive impact, but from a creative perspective. Product design was the natural next step. It allowed me to think creatively and help drive product direction.

My creative studio from which I work, located in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I Curate Creative Spaces

My studio is my creative santuary, and a place for me to tune in to my senses. A place to feel the warm rays of dusk. A place to hear the bright chirps of birds in the spring. A place to gather around the smell of good food. I curate not only space for myself, but spaces for communities to gather and share stories through food, wine, and art.

Artists use their mediums to effectively craft compelling stories. In a world that values objectivity, art gives us freedom to see the world as we wish to see it.
I love Chinese teas— particularly Tieguanyin and Dahongpao. I will never say no to a glass of great Bordeaux, nor a bowl of traditionally-made pasta carbonara.
I'm pictured beside my husband, and wearing a traditional Chinese qipao dress.

Tech opportunities should be equitable

I believe that opportunities in Technology should be available to everyone. Mentorship should be accessibile, especially to those in economically, mentally, or societally disadvantaged positions. I offer career mentorship in design and software, free of charge for juniors. So far I have provided over 110 hours and 194 mentorship sessions for mentees in countries like US and Canada, as well as Nigeria, Pakistan, Brazil, and more. Topics I speak about include #impostersyndrome, #careerpath, #resumereview, and #interviewprep.

During my professional career, I have mentored many interns and new hires in-house. My greatest privilege is watching my mentees' growth through their efforts and determination. Here is a thank-you note from one of my interns 😊:

“Jenny, thanks for taking care of me this summer. I really learned a lot from you. I know that I bother you a lot every day, but you're always willing to put down all the work you do and help me. You're always encouraging me to stay positive. Even though I know in the midpoint check I am kind of falling behind, but you never push me. I really appreciate that. You are a great mentor! ”

Zihan L. · SWE, Salesforce

Wanna Chat?

I like to grab a coffee or beer and talk about anything. Wondering about how I got into design? Maybe you like algorithms, philosophy, or noodles?